Medijski partner Studio 12 je v sklopu projekta ACTA - Active citizens take action poskrbel za video dokumentacijo dogodkov. Vabimo vas k ogledu posnetkov!


javne razprave

Electronic direct democracy and popular uprisings on internet Chat-2_mala

Can technology really bring back direct democracy? Chat-2_mala

glas skupnosti

Glas Skupnosti - Sašo Miklič Chat-2_mala

Glas Skupnosti -Simon Delakorda Chat-2_mala

Glas skupnosti - Mreža za neposredno demokracijo Chat-2_mala

o projektu

The Power and Internet Chat-2_mala

Active Citizens Take Action Chat-2_mala




mednarodna konferenca 'ACTA - Active citizens take action', Maribor 


ACTA Maribor - THW give free internet to poor people

Filip Dobranić »Communicating internet issues«

Predrag Tasevski »Bullying of digital divide or not?«

Simon Delakorda »Drafting ACTA project recommendations for decision-makers.”

Public Assemblies Initiative »Crisis of democracy in EU and national states, direct and indirect democracy.«

Elena Ignatova »Informed Voters for a Stronger Democracy«

Elena Ignatova, »Anonymous browsing with TOR«

ACTA Maribor - Final debate: THBT voting should be mandatory.

Tomaž Gregorc, Slovenia, »Internet? But what about hardware?!«

Bojana Šekeljić, »Government 2.0 in the Balkans –solution or a new challenge?«

ACTA Maribor - Tvrtko Pater


debate in kratek film o dogajanju na mednarodni študentski debatni akademiji 'Acta - Active citizens take action'


IDAS/ACTA debate tournament: Highlights

IDAS/ACTA: THW penalize politicians who break pre'election pledges

IDAS/ACTA: THBT an unregulated internet does more harm than good

IDAS/ACTA: THBT an unregulated internet does more harm than good (final debate)



Za in proti, zavod za kulturo dialoga in Multimedijski center Kiberpipa  v okviru mednarodnega projekta ACTA – Active Citizens Take Action vabita na serijo okroglih miz o različnih aspektih Interneta, ki se bodo od ponedeljka, 15. aprila do četrtka 19. aprila dogajale v prostorih Multimedijskega centra Kiberpipe  na Kersnikovi 6 v Ljubljani. 

Ponedeljek, 15. aprila ob 18.30 »Ženske in internet« 

Ta okrogla miza se bo spraševala o razlogih, zakaj je med programerji in računalničarji tako malo žensk. Poleg tega bomo predstavili novi projekt, ki ga pripravlja Kiberpipa in sicer Ženske, tehnologija in umetnost. 

Govornice Saša Spača, Ida Hiršenfeler,  Razpravo bo vodil  Filip Dobranić. 

Torek, 16. aprila ob 18.30 »Odprta koda« 

Zakaj v državni upravi še ne uporabljamo odprtih formatov? Zakaj podatkov ne naredimo dostopnih državljanom v računalniško berljivi obliki? Zakaj še kar naprej plačujemo licenčnine Microsoftu če bi lahko uporabljali Libre Office in podobne rešitve?

Govorci: Andrej Vernekar, Lugos,  Rok Andree,  Piratske stranke, Gašper Žejn,  Opendata.si; Martin Srebotnja, LibreOffice. Razpravo bo vodil Filip Dobranić

Sreda, 17. aprila ob 18.30 »Privatizacija interneta« 

Poteze, ki jih zadnje čase vlečeta Google in Facebook internet kot odprto polje vse bolj pretvarjata v mesto zagrajenih vrtičkov, kjer se morajo uporabniki in razvijalci prilagajati njunim pravilom igre. Kam to vodi? Ali nas čaka internet dveh (ali več) "operacijskih sistemov" ali pa ostaja upanje za odprt internet. Kaj nam je storiti?

Govorci: Simon Belak, Hekovnik; Boštjan Špetič, Zemanta, vabljeni še  Tomaž Pernovšek, Peter Sterle, Vasja Butina (kot vzpostavitelj WiFree Ljubljana). Razpravo bo vodil Filip Dobranić

Četrtek, 18. aprila 16.00  »Protestno gibanje in internet«

Okrogla miza bo spregovorila o različnih  iniciativah nastalih  v slovenskih protestih (Protestival, VLV, Danes je nov dan, Gibanje za neposredno demokracijo, Gibanje za osvoboditev kluba K4, ...) in njihovi uporabi interneta. Kaj točno z njim počnejo, kako ga uporabljajo, a imajo samo Facebook page, kako komunicirajo z vstajniki, kako si predstavljajo organizacijo protestov brez teh orodij... 

Govorci: Samo Penič, Odbor.si; Jang Man, Mreža za neposredno demokracijo; Žiga Vrtačič, Danes je nov dan; Uršula Lipovec Čebron,  Profestival. Razpravo bo vodil Filip Dobranić. 
Vljudno vabljeni!



V Mariboru se je 16. marca 2013 uspešno zaključila mednarodna konferenca 'ACTA - Active citizens take action', ki jo je v sodelovanju s partnerji organiziral Za in proti, Zavod za kulturo dialoga.

Nekaj foto utrinkov najdete v tej galeriji, več video posnetkov in fotografij pa na ZiPovi Facebook strani:



Schedule and speakers announced

Our conference is approaching fast. We're glad to present the speakers and the schedule.

Looking forward to what is to be a great experience! Join us. 

Schedule - short pdf

Schedule - with abstracts pdf

Presenters pdf



Odprte prijave za mednarodno konferenco ACTA - Active citizens take action 

V okviru mednarodnega partnerskega projekta, ki ga vodi naša organizacija Za in proti, zavod za kulturo dialoga, bomo 15. in 16. marca v Mariboru organizirali drugo mednarodno srečanje, mednarodno  konferenco o izzivih, vizijah in potencialu interneta prihodnosti.

Prvi vsebinski sklop projekta je namenjen teoretskim razmislekom in refleksiji o aktualnih dogajanjih povezanih z Internetom – od regulacije  do Interneta kot orodja demokracije ter razpravljanju in izmenjavi stališč o obravnavanih vsebinah  do praktičnih predstavitev in delavnic povezanih s participacijo in sodelovanjem v procesih odločanja, zagovorništva, uporabi Interneta za aktivno državljanstvo.

Drugi vsebinski sklop je povezan z izzivi novih demokratičnih gibanj, tako v Sloveniji kot v Evropi, analizi prednosti in slabosti predstavniške in neposredne demokracije, iskanju novih poti urejanja družbenih zadev, vlogi aktivnega državljana in vlogi Interneta. Metode bodo različne, od zelo teoretskih prispevkov in predavanj do okroglih miz, delavnic, debat, saj je konferenca namenjena tako strokovnjakom, kot mladim in najširši javnosti.   Jezik konference je angleški jezik.

Vabimo vas, da bi na tej konferenci sodelovali s prispevkom, lahko imate individualno ali skupinsko predstavitev, lahko ponudite predavanje, okroglo mizo, delavnico …

Rok za oddajo prispevkov: 3. marec 2013

Prijavnica word

Vabilo k sodelovanju pdf




Project description

The project brings  together  citizens active in youth and Internet non–governmental organizations from different European countries to discuss authorship rights, piracy and privacy on Internet, efectivness and ethics of the movement Anonymous; to analyse the involvement of civil society in the decision making processes about ACTA at national and European level,   to research and  learn how to influence national and European parliament  on the policies and legislation.   

We  want  to foster  action, debate and reflection on European citizenship and democracy through analyzing ACTA and related issues. Encouragement of  interaction between citizens and civil society organisations from all participating countries and discussions, exchanging views and presenting citizens opinion and project results with relevant decision makers  at local, national and EU level, will be  the key principles of the project. 

The project is ambitious and it  wants to empower citizens to play a full role in the democratic life of EU. To  achieve the above listed goals we will organise two international events (each with more than 120 participants from 7 countries and 14 partner organisations), on in November in Kranjska gora/Ljubljana and the other in March in Maribor;  minimum of 10 public debates in different environments and countries; a special multilingual web page and  other internet communication tools; a manual with the presentations and papers about ACTA and a DVD with video material.  

The project activities  at one hand focus  on empowerement of  participants to be able to exercise the European citizenship and become active citizens in their environment by giving them knowledge, information and skills how to organise, implement, participate at  different types of public discussions and other Internet actions and on the other hand will equip them with knowledge and understanding of citizen participatory strategies, communication with decision makers, importance, controversia, dilemmas of ACTA related issues and the necessity of finding the solution which can satisfy citizens, governments and corporations.

Project is supported by European Union, Europe for citizens program, Action 2 – Active Civil Society in Europe, Measure 3 – Support for projects initiated by civil society organizations. Leading partner is  Za in proti, zavod za kulturo dialoga

Project partners


ARDOR Muntenia - The Regional Association for Debate, Oratory and Rethorics Muntenia is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation that strives to spread education through debate in the Southern Region of Romania. We are a member of the Romanian Association for Debate, Oratory and Rethorics (ARDOR) since 1994 and are currently opperating high-school debating clubs in over 5 counties in Romania and are also involved in spreading debate within universities in Bucharest.We aim at encouraging sustainable growth within the debating community by helping emerging debate clubs and groups. We have so far developed strategical partnerships with a number of Romanian NGOs to develop education through debate in different environments and media. 

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/ARDOR-Muntenia/115159631842108  

Web (umbrella organization): http://www.ardor.org.ro

Charitable Leo Club Murska Sobota is a youth NGO which brings together young people between 16 and 30 years, who are willing to help the society. In recent years, we have carried out several campaigns, which are aimed at helping people in the local area. Through our activities and projects we want to contribute to the overall progress of the region.

Web: http://www.leoclubms.si/sl/

Youth Educational Forum, YEF (Mladinski obrazoven forum), a citizen’s association is a non governmental, non political and non profit organization which was established in June 1999. Several centers throughout the country operate as part of YEF, which conduct activities from the main programs of YEF: Debate, Street Law and Student’s program, as well as separate projects covering topics such as youth and education, human rights and their protection, brain drain etc. YEFs’ mission is to offer the students, high-school students, their teachers and parents, opportunities for active and argumentative participation in public discussion for issues of their individual as well as community interest. This way they can contribute towards establishment of an open and democratic society.

Website: www.mof.org.mk

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/MOF.edu

The "Debate Clubs' Association" (Asociace debatních klubů, ADK) is a non-governmental, not-for-profit civic association. It has been established with the aim of promotion of spiritual values, humanitarian goals and advancement of education and culture in the Czech Republic. In its activities the ADK is backed by Sir Popper's idea of building-up of the open society, that being mainly characterised by freedom and responsibility, democracy and peace. The aim of the ADK is to - through the medium of entertaining competitive debates - educate young people in the Czech republic and to lead them is such a way that K. Popper's ideals would become their norm in building up both their own personalities and the whole society as well. Debate competitions are not a goal but rather a means in fulfilling this popularly desirable goal.The association organises in the Czech Republic the international Karl Popper Debate Programme - competitions of young people in academic debating in Czech and English.

Website: www.debatovani.cz

Facebook: www.facebook.com/debatovani.cz 

Hekovnik Startup School provides targeted accelerator courses to hackers, entrepreneurs and academia to help them change the world. 

Website: www.hekovnik.com

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/hekovnik

HERMES (Hrvatska edukacijska i razvojna mreža za evoluciju sporazumijevanja / Croatian education and development network for the evolution of communication)The mission of HERMES is education for democratic citizenship, through developing and applying innovative (non-formal) educational programs with a view to promoting non-violent communication methods such as structured and critical thinking, active listening and radical empathy as conflict resolution/prevention tools. HERMES’s activities revolve around using applied debating skills for the purpose of fighting discrimination, contributing to active participatory citizenship, and facilitating the building of an open and inclusive democratic society.

e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Facebook: www.facebook.com/HERMES.CommuniAction

Institute for Electronic Participation (INePA) is an independent, not for profit, non-governmental organisation professionally oriented on eDemocracy, eParticipation, eGovernance and eInvolvement. Organization's mission is to contribute to development of democracy with socially innovative use of Internet for civil society, institutions and decision-makers. INePA e-democracy, e-participation and inclusive digital society activities focus on active citizenship, political participation, civil and social dialogue by means of consultation, studies, lectures, advocacy, networking, web solutions, facilitation, stakeholders involvement, results delivery and dissemination. INePA is a member of the Pan European eParticipation Network (PEP-NET), Central and Eastern Europe Citizens Network (CEE CN), Centre for Information Service, Co-operation and Development of NGOs in Slovenia (CNVOS) and is listed among key actors in eParticipation developments (the European eParticipation Study 2009).

Web: www.inepa.si

Facebook: http://sl-si.facebook.com/zavod.inepa 

Twitter: http://twitter.com/Institut_INePA 

LUGOS – association of Linux users Slovenia is a non-profit organization bringing together all users of free open software Linux that are dedicated to the promotion and spread of its use amongst othe computer users. 

Web: www.lugos.si

Metamorphosis is an independent, nonpartisan and nonprofit foundation based in Skopje, Macedonia. Its mission is to contribute to the development of democracy and increase the quality of life through innovative use and sharing of knowledge. Our guiding values are openness, equality and freedom.
Metamorphosis, Foundation for Internet and Society

Web: www.metamorphosis.org.mk

Twitter: @fmeta

Address: Apostol Guslarot 40, 1000 Skopje, Macedonia

Sociedade de Debates da Universidade do Porto – SdDUP is a non-profit student association promoting the culture of dialogue and the art of debate in Porto, Portugal. The Sociedade is part of Porto University and actively involved in organizing trainings on national and international scale. 

Web: www.sdd.up.pt

Facebook: www.facebook.com/sddup 

Twitter: www.twitter.com/sdduporto

Split Debating Union (official name in Croatian - 'Splitska debatna unija') is a student organization  that gathers all students from University of Split who are involved in debating. (Logo given above.) Traditionally, we organize international debating tournaments – every year in May.Under this name, we act from November 2010.

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/splitska.debatnaunija

Address: Ulica Domovinskog rata 8, 21 000 Split, Croatia – Faculty of Law.

Studio 12 is an independent non-governmental Internet and TV media, aiming to enrich Slovene and European (online) media space with fresh optimism, constructiveness and active citizenship promotion. Rather than focusing on the informative part of media (following current events) it fills the gap of media non-coverage: positive reporting and encouragement – therefore challenging the established media paradigm of ‘’Bad news is good news.’’By covering success stories and exploring various possible impacts of active citizens, informal groups or NGOs in the social realm, Studio 12 is encouraging active citizenship, supporting other NGOs in their work and increasing optimism in public. If media should be a reflection of the society and mainstream media in general only portraits one side of the story (more and more sensationalistic), there is a need for the reflection of the other side of the story (constructive, positive and encouraging).  Studio 12 produces educational video content that supports an individual to develop his or her competences, to take on an active role as a citizen, to face the social challenges with willpower and optimism, to protect the environment, fight for human rights, lead a healthy lifestyle and establish constructive interpersonal relations. Through videos, shows and live events it is emphasizing the strength of an individual and the possibilities of citizens to reach out for common goals in order to achieve better quality of life.In the last three years Studio 12 produced more than a thousand videos, TV shows and documentaries. Some of them have been broadcasted by other TV stations, for example the first program of the national TV. Some very prominent figures from the social life have given interviews: the President of Slovenia dr. Danilo Turk, the President of the European parliament dr. Hans-Gert Poettering, the European Commissioner for the environment dr. Janez Potočnik, and many ministers, parliamentarians, NGO's representatives, etc.As in other press-media projects, the team of Studio 12 consists of various profiles. Besides the experienced publicists and journalists other profiles will participate at the project: an expert of communications, sociologist, engineer of multimedia, graphics, composers etc.Studio 12 makes the videos, interviews and documentaries at different locations as well as in his own studio; with the professional recording equipment and according to the professional standards of TV production.

Web: http://www.studio12.si/

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/studio12.si?fref=ts

Established in 2001 as a part of the K6/4 Institute, Kiberpipa ('Cyberpipe') is an important catalyst for the Slovene cybernetic scene and fosters creative and critical approaches in the age of an information society. Operating as a cultural centre, computer laboratory and Internet café (with free wireless access), Cyberpipe engages primarily in open code programming and the recycling of computer devices, it organises workshops (for example, Linux workshops, drawing and painting in DTP with free programmes, E-mail culture, Linux video editing and Mozilla Composer workshop), lectures, and entertainment and information events. Cyberpipe also runs Net Art Pipe (NAP), which is dedicated to the exploration of computer-based art and to facilitating discussions on this topic. The programme also features so-called Open Dates - weekly meetings for information exchange - and a monthly LAMM (LinuxAudioMeetMe) that focuses on issues and sound/music production connected with the Linux platform.

Web: https://www.kiberpipa.org/en/

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